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Eleventh Census - Volume 1. (Part I & Part II) Report on Population of the United States

Letter of Transmittal

WASHINGTON, D.C., October 29, 1894


I have the honor to transmit herewith the general tables, explanatory text, and maps and diagrams comprising Part I of the report on population, giving the statistics of population in the aggregate and by sex, general nativity, color, place of birth, parentage, school, militia, and voting ages, conjugal condition, and dwellings and families, as returned at the Eleventh Census. Comparative statements of the population and its distribution at preceding censuses are also given whenever possible or where they were deemed essential to the proper presentation and discussion of the results of the present census.

Part II contains the statistics of population classified according to age, school attendance, illiteracy, ability to speak English, occupations, and citizenship, and, in addition, a monograph on education compiled from the reports of schools in the United States as returned at the Eleventh Census.

The statistics of population have been compiled under the direction of Mr. William C. Hunt, expert special agent, upon whom has devolved the entire responsibility of their tabulation and presentation, and who is entitled to great credit for the skill and accuracy displayed in the preparation of the statistical and analytical data contained in this report. This office has also laid the benefit of the experience of Mr. Henry Gannett, geographer of the census, in the construction of the maps and diagrams and in the preparation of the text, particularly that portion relating to the geographical distribution of population and the general growth of the country since the first census.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Commissioner of Labor in charge

Secretary of the Interior

Page Last Revised - December 7, 2021
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