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National Geographic Tallies

The tallies on this page are for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. They do not include Puerto Rico and the Island Areas.

Geographic Entities United States
*There are 435 Congressional Districts and 1 Delegate at Large (DC)
American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas 695
Alaska Native Regional Corporations 12
Tribal Subdivisions 492
Tribal Tracts 480
Tribal Block Groups 914
Block Groups 217,740
Census Blocks 11,078,297
Census Tracts 73,057
Counties & Equivalents 3,143
County Subdivisions 35,703
Consolidated Cities 7
Places 29,261
     Incorporated Places 19,540
     Census Designated Places 9,721
Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas and Related Statistical Areas
     Metropolitan Statistical Areas 366
     Micropolitan Statistical Areas 576
     Metropolitan Divisions 29
     Combined Statistical Areas 125
     Metropolitan New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs) 21
     Micropolitan New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs) 22
     New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Divisions 9
     Combined New England City and Town Areas (CNETCAs) 10
Congressional Districts 436*
State Legislative Districts
     Upper 1,967
     Lower 4,745
Voting Districts 177,808
School Districts 13,709
     Elementary 2,304
     Secondary 514
     Unified 10,891
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) 32,989
Regions 4
Divisions 9
States & Equivalents 51

2010 Census Geographic Entity Tallies by State and Type

The 2010 Census Geographic Entity Tallies chart provides a comprehensive view of the numbers of each type of geographic entity, by state, for which the Census Bureau tabulates decennial census and other statistical data.

How to Read this Table

Information in the table is organized by high-level geographic entity type (for example, American Indian and Alaska Native area, County Subdivisions, Places). High-level categories are then subdivided into additional categories, depending on the amount of variety in the kinds of geographic entities within the category. For example, "Places" is subdivided into "Incorporated Places" and "Census Designated Places." The Incorporated Place category is further subdivided between those that have active governments, inactive governments, and those that do not have governmental functions. Within each of these categories, the chart lists the number of entities by legal status—for example, city, town, village, borough, and so forth.

Please note that the categories and subcategories shown on this chart represent the full range of geographic entity types within the Census Bureau's geographic database. Not all geographic entity types exist in each state.

The national totals on this chart do not necessarily equal the sum of the state totals. Some geographic areas cross state boundaries and so a single geographic area can be counted in more than one state. Therefore, it is expected that the sum of the state totals would be larger than national tally for these columns.

Census Block Tallies by State or State Equivalent

For a discussion on why the number of census blocks increased 35% between 2000 and 2010, please see the Changes in the Number of Census Blocks, 2000-2010 document.

FIPS State Code Name Number of 2010 Census Blocks Number of 2000 Census Blocks Numerical Change, 2000-2010 Percent Change, 2000-2010

United States 11,078,297 8,205,582 2,872,715 35.0
01 Alabama 252,266 175,220 77,046 44.0
02 Alaska 45,292 21,874 23,418 107.1
04 Arizona 241,666 158,294 83,372 52.7
05 Arkansas 186,211 141,178 45,033 31.9
06 California 710,145 533,163 176,982 33.2
08 Colorado 201,062 141,040 60,022 42.6
09 Connecticut 67,578 53,835 13,743 25.5
10 Delaware 24,115 17,483 6,632 37.9
11 District of Columbia 6,507 5,674 833 14.7
12 Florida 484,481 362,499 121,982 33.7
13 Georgia 291,086 214,576 76,510 35.7
15 Hawaii 25,016 18,990 6,026 31.7
16 Idaho 149,842 88,452 61,390 69.4
17 Illinois 451,554 366,137 85,417 23.3
18 Indiana 267,071 201,321 65,750 32.7
19 Iowa 216,007 168,075 47,932 28.5
20 Kansas 238,600 173,107 65,493 37.8
21 Kentucky 161,672 122,141 39,531 32.4
22 Louisiana 204,447 139,867 64,580 46.2
23 Maine 69,518 56,893 12,625 22.2
24 Maryland 145,247 79,128 66,119 83.6
25 Massachusetts 157,508 109,997 47,511 43.2
26 Michigan 329,885 258,925 70,960 27.4
27 Minnesota 259,777 200,222 59,555 29.7
28 Mississippi 171,778 136,150 35,628 26.2
29 Missouri 343,565 241,532 102,033 42.2
30 Montana 132,288 99,018 33,270 33.6
31 Nebraska 193,352 133,692 59,660 44.6
32 Nevada 84,538 60,831 23,707 39.0
33 New Hampshire 48,837 34,728 14,109 40.6
34 New Jersey 169,588 141,342 28,246 20.0
35 New Mexico 168,609 137,055 31,554 23.0
36 New York 350,169 298,506 51,663 17.3
37 North Carolina 288,987 232,403 56,584 24.3
38 North Dakota 133,769 84,351 49,418 58.6
39 Ohio 365,344 277,807 87,537 31.5
40 Oklahoma 269,118 176,064 93,054 52.9
41 Oregon 196,621 156,232 40,389 25.9
42 Pennsylvania 421,545 322,424 99,121 30.7
44 Rhode Island 25,181 21,023 4,158 19.8
45 South Carolina 181,908 143,919 37,989 26.4
46 South Dakota 88,360 77,951 10,409 13.4
47 Tennessee 240,116 182,203 57,913 31.8
48 Texas 914,231 675,062 239,169 35.4
49 Utah 115,406 74,704 40,702 54.5
50 Vermont 32,580 24,824 7,756 31.2
51 Virginia 285,762 145,399 140,363 96.5
53 Washington 195,574 170,871 24,703 14.5
54 West Virginia 135,218 81,788 53,430 65.3
55 Wisconsin 253,096 200,348 52,748 26.3
56 Wyoming 86,204 67,264 18,940 28.2

72 Puerto Rico 77,189 56,781 20,408 35.9

2010 Census Tallies of Census Tracts, Block Groups & Blocks

FIPS Name Census Tracts Census Tracts
(water only)
Block Groups Block Groups
(water only)
Blocks Blocks
(water only)
01 Alabama 1,181 2 3,438 2 252,266 16,068
02 Alaska 167 0 534 0 45,292 18,263
04 Arizona 1,526 0 4,178 0 241,666 3,807
05 Arkansas 686 0 2,147 0 186,211 12,987
06 California 8,057 21 23,212 22 710,145 18,582
08 Colorado 1,249 0 3,532 0 201,062 6,503
09 Connecticut 833 4 2,585 4 67,578 3,169
10 Delaware 218 3 574 3 24,115 874
11 District of Columbia 179 0 450 0 6,507 175
12 Florida 4,245 46 11,442 46 484,481 29,972
13 Georgia 1,969 5 5,533 5 291,086 20,945
15 Hawaii 351 25 875 25 25,016 1,394
16 Idaho 298 0 963 0 149,842 8,250
17 Illinois 3,123 2 9,691 2 451,554 13,926
18 Indiana 1,511 3 4,814 3 267,071 7,628
19 Iowa 825 0 2,630 0 216,007 5,071
20 Kansas 770 0 2,351 0 238,600 7,371
21 Kentucky 1,115 0 3,285 0 161,672 16,373
22 Louisiana 1,148 12 3,471 12 204,447 14,740
23 Maine 358 7 1,086 7 69,518 7,582
24 Maryland 1,406 12 3,926 12 145,247 8,670
25 Massachusetts 1,478 7 4,985 7 157,508 11,562
26 Michigan 2,813 46 8,205 46 329,885 23,936
27 Minnesota 1,338 3 4,111 3 259,777 19,197
28 Mississippi 664 3 2,164 3 171,778 6,382
29 Missouri 1,393 0 4,506 0 343,565 19,768
30 Montana 271 0 842 0 132,288 6,288
31 Nebraska 532 0 1,633 0 193,352 5,503
32 Nevada 687 4 1,836 4 84,538 902
33 New Hampshire 295 1 922 1 48,837 3,910
34 New Jersey 2,010 6 6,320 15 169,588 9,533
35 New Mexico 499 0 1,449 0 168,609 2,707
36 New York 4,919 19 15,464 223 350,169 13,356
37 North Carolina 2,195 12 6,155 28 288,987 13,891
38 North Dakota 205 0 572 0 133,769 4,710
39 Ohio 2,952 6 9,238 6 365,344 12,788
40 Oklahoma 1,046 0 2,965 0 269,118 14,000
41 Oregon 834 7 2,634 7 196,621 5,062
42 Pennsylvania 3,218 1 9,740 2 421,545 15,382
44 Rhode Island 244 3 815 3 25,181 1,691
45 South Carolina 1,103 6 3,059 14 181,908 9,828
46 South Dakota 222 0 654 0 88,360 3,481
47 Tennessee 1,497 0 4,125 0 240,116 5,337
48 Texas 5,265 12 15,811 12 914,231 37,467
49 Utah 588 0 1,690 0 115,406 1,292
50 Vermont 184 0 522 0 32,580 4,191
51 Virginia 1,907 12 5,332 13 285,762 22,974
53 Washington 1,458 11 4,783 11 195,574 11,617
54 West Virginia 484 0 1,592 0 135,218 9,555
55 Wisconsin 1,409 16 4,489 16 253,096 20,961
56 Wyoming 132 0 410 0 86,204 2,155
  UNITED STATES 73,057 317 217,740 557 11,078,297 541,776
72 Puerto Rico 945       77,189  
74,002 359 220,334 599 11,155,486 544,847
60 American Samoa 18 0 43 0 832 235
66 Guam 57 1 219 1 3,739 156
69 Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands
25 3 57 4 1,444 86
78 U.S. Virgin Islands 32 3 89 3 4,835 329
  ISLAND AREAS 132 7 408 8 10,850 806
74,134 366 220,742 607 11,166,336 545,653

The water only categories are a subset of the total number. For example, 2 of the 1,181 census tracts are water only. Therefore, 1,179 census tracts have some land and 2 are water only.

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Page Last Revised - July 18, 2022
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