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Current Address Count Listing Files

The files are updated biannually and include total housing units (including transitory units) and total group quarters counts as of July 2024, by current census tabulation block. These files are created for all 50 States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Island Areas and were released July 2024.

File Naming Convention

These pipe delimited text files are named using the following convention: <st>_<name>_AddressBlockCountList_<mm><yyyy>.txt,  where:

  • <st> = Two-digit state Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) code
  • <name> = Concatenated state (or equivalent) name
  • <mm> = Two-digit month the file was created
  • <yyyy> = Four-digit year the file was created

An example file name is:


Record Layout


Field Name

Field Description


Two-digit state FIPS code


Three-digit county FIPS code


The census tract number consists of six digits with an implied decimal between the fourth and fifth digits corresponding to the basic census tract number but with leading zeroes and trailing zeroes for census tracts without a suffix.


Four-digit census block number. Census blocks are numbered uniquely from 0000 to 9999 within census tract, which nest within state and county. A census block that has been split since the 2020 Census includes a one-character alpha suffix (A-Z). The first digit of the census block number identifies the block group.


Concatenation of STATE, COUNTY, TRACT, and BLOCK fields, described above, for use in joining the census block-level feedback data to the census blocks in the partnership shapefiles.


Total number of addresses in the entity count list identified as housing units or transitory units by data in the Master Address File (MAF).


Total number of addresses in the entity count list identified as group quarters by data in the MAF.


Download Address Count Listing Files

Address Count Listing Files Viewer

The Address Count Listing Files Viewer supplements the Address Count Listing files with an interactive map of the same information. The viewer also includes AREA LAND and AREA WATER (in square meters).

Housing Unit Change Viewer: 2020 to 2024

This map application includes three maps depicting the change in the number of housing units (including transitory units but not including group quarters) from the 2020 Census to July 2024: percent change, numeric change, and a combination of percent change and numeric change.

Page Last Revised - October 1, 2024
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