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State Area Measurements and Internal Point Coordinates

The table below provides land, water and total area measurements for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas.  The area measurements were derived from the Census Bureau's Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER®) database. The boundaries of the states and equivalent areas are as of January 1, 2010. The land and water areas, including their classifications, reflect base feature updates made in the MAF/TIGER® database through August, 2010.  The area measurements, in square kilometers and square miles, are for statistical purposes only.

State and other areas2 Total Area Land Area1 Water Area1 Internal Point -
Latitude Value
Internal Point -
Longitude Value
Total Inland Coastal Great Lakes  Territorial 
Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Sq. Mi. Sq. Km. Sq. Mi. Sq. Km.
Total3 3,805,927 9,857,306 3,535,932 9,158,022 269,995 699,284 85,763 222,125 42,371 109,742 60,094 155,643 81,767 211,774

United States4 3,796,742 9,833,517 3,531,905 9,147,593 264,837 685,924 85,647 221,824 42,337 109,652 60,094 155,643 76,759 198,806

Alabama 52,420 135,767 50,645 131,171 1,775 4,597 1,058 2,740 517 1,340 199 516 +32.7396323 -086.8434593
Alaska 665,384 1,723,337 570,641 1,477,953 94,743 245,383 19,304 49,997 26,119 67,647 49,320 127,739 +63.3461910 -152.8370679
Arizona 113,990 295,234 113,594 294,207 396 1,026 396 1,026 +34.2099643 -111.6024010
Arkansas 53,179 137,732 52,035 134,771 1,143 2,961 1,143 2,961 +34.8955256 -092.4446262
California 163,695 423,967 155,779 403,466 7,916 20,501 2,833 7,339 245 634 4,837 12,528 +37.1485730 -119.5406515
Colorado 104,094 269,601 103,642 268,431 452 1,170 452 1,170 +38.9935752 -105.5077737
Connecticut 5,543 14,357 4,842 12,542 701 1,816 171 443 530 1,372 +41.5797842 -072.7466666
Delaware 2,489 6,446 1,949 5,047 540 1,399 91 237 355 920 94 242 +38.9935501 -075.4473739
District of Columbia 68 177 61 158 7 19 7 19 +38.9041485 -077.0170942
Florida 65,758 170,312 53,625 138,887 12,133 31,424 5,027 13,019 1,349 3,495 5,757 14,911 +28.4574302 -082.4091478
Georgia 59,425 153,910 57,513 148,959 1,912 4,951 1,412 3,657 46 119 453 1,175 +32.6293840 -083.4232125
Hawaii 10,932 28,313 6,423 16,635 4,509 11,678 42 109 9 23 4,458 11,546 +19.8097670 -155.5061027
Idaho 83,569 216,443 82,643 214,045 926 2,398 926 2,398 +44.3020948 -114.5956254
Illinois 57,914 149,995 55,519 143,793 2,395 6,202 820 2,124 1,575 4,078 +40.1028754 -089.1526108
Indiana 36,420 94,326 35,826 92,789 593 1,537 361 935 233 602 +39.9030256 -086.2839503
Iowa 56,273 145,746 55,857 144,669 416 1,077 416 1,077 +42.0700243 -093.4933473
Kansas 82,278 213,100 81,759 211,754 520 1,346 520 1,346 +38.4985464 -098.3834298
Kentucky 40,408 104,656 39,486 102,269 921 2,387 921 2,387 +37.5336807 -085.2929841
Louisiana 52,378 135,659 43,204 111,898 9,174 23,761 4,562 11,815 2,880 7,460 1,732 4,486 +30.8577705 -091.8032730
Maine 35,380 91,633 30,843 79,883 4,537 11,750 2,314 5,992 591 1,530 1,633 4,228 +45.3906022 -068.6574869
Maryland 12,406 32,131 9,707 25,142 2,699 6,990 768 1,990 1,820 4,714 111 286 +38.9466584 -076.6744939
Massachusetts 10,554 27,336 7,800 20,202 2,754 7,134 486 1,258 1,177 3,048 1,092 2,829 +42.1565196 -071.4895915
Michigan 96,714 250,487 56,539 146,435 40,175 104,052 2,001 5,182 38,174 98,870 +44.8410835 -085.6593197
Minnesota 86,936 225,163 79,627 206,232 7,309 18,930 4,763 12,336 2,546 6,594 +46.3161343 -094.1994801
Mississippi 48,432 125,438 46,923 121,531 1,509 3,907 769 1,992 616 1,596 123 318 +32.6864655 -089.6561493
Missouri 69,707 180,540 68,742 178,040 965 2,501 965 2,501 +38.3507500 -092.4567826
Montana 147,040 380,831 145,546 376,962 1,494 3,869 1,494 3,869 +47.0511771 -109.6348174
Nebraska 77,348 200,330 76,824 198,974 524 1,356 524 1,356 +41.5438105 -099.8123253
Nevada 110,572 286,380 109,781 284,332 791 2,048 791 2,048 +39.3310928 -116.6151469
New Hampshire 9,349 24,214 8,953 23,187 397 1,027 328 849 69 178 +43.6708595 -071.5811278
New Jersey 8,723 22,591 7,354 19,047 1,368 3,544 436 1,128 427 1,105 506 1,311 +40.1072744 -074.6652012
New Mexico 121,590 314,917 121,298 314,161 292 757 292 757 +34.4391265 -106.1261511
New York 54,555 141,297 47,126 122,057 7,429 19,240 1,989 5,151 975 2,526 3,986 10,324 479 1,240 +42.9133974 -075.5962723
North Carolina 53,819 139,391 48,618 125,920 5,201 13,471 4,052 10,495 1,149 2,976 +35.5397100 -079.1308636
North Dakota 70,698 183,108 69,001 178,711 1,698 4,397 1,698 4,397 +47.4569538 -100.4619304
Ohio 44,826 116,098 40,861 105,829 3,965 10,269 474 1,227 3,491 9,042 +40.4149297 -082.7119975
Oklahoma 69,899 181,037 68,595 177,660 1,304 3,377 1,304 3,377 +35.5894185 -097.4868683
Oregon 98,379 254,799 95,988 248,608 2,391 6,191 1,068 2,766 72 186 1,251 3,240 +43.9715225 -120.6226269
Pennsylvania 46,054 119,280 44,743 115,883 1,312 3,397 563 1,459 748 1,938 +40.9042486 -077.8280624
Rhode Island 1,545 4,001 1,034 2,678 511 1,324 182 470 64 165 266 688 +41.5978358 -071.5252895
South Carolina 32,020 82,933 30,061 77,857 1,960 5,076 1,064 2,755 110 286 786 2,036 +33.8741769 -080.8542699
South Dakota 77,116 199,729 75,811 196,350 1,305 3,379 1,305 3,379 +44.4467957 -100.2381762
Tennessee 42,144 109,153 41,235 106,798 909 2,355 909 2,355 +35.8585639 -086.3493573
Texas 268,596 695,662 261,232 676,587 7,365 19,075 5,616 14,546 401 1,040 1,347 3,489 +31.4347032 -099.2818238
Utah 84,897 219,882 82,170 212,818 2,727 7,064 2,727 7,064 +39.3349735 -111.6563633
Vermont 9,616 24,906 9,217 23,871 400 1,035 400 1,035 +44.0605475 -072.6733540
Virginia 42,775 110,787 39,490 102,279 3,285 8,508 1,282 3,320 1,565 4,053 438 1,135 +37.5222512 -078.6681938
Washington 71,298 184,661 66,456 172,119 4,842 12,542 1,715 4,441 2,468 6,392 660 1,709 +47.4162296 -120.5996231
West Virginia 24,230 62,756 24,038 62,259 192 497 192 497 +38.6472854 -080.6183274
Wisconsin 65,496 169,635 54,158 140,268 11,339 29,367 1,997 5,172 9,342 24,195 +44.6284840 -089.7119299
Wyoming 97,813 253,335 97,093 251,470 720 1,864 720 1,864 +42.9918024 -107.5419255

Puerto Rico 5,325 13,791 3,424 8,868 1,901 4,924 76 198 13 34 1,812 4,692 +18.2176480 -066.4107992

Island Areas:5 3,860 9,998 603 1,562 3,257 8,436 40 104 22 56 3,196 8,277

American Samoa 581 1,505 76 198 505 1,307 8 21 497 1,286 -14.2638166 -170.6620902
Guam 571 1,478 210 543 361 935 8 21 1 2 352 911 +13.4383000 +144.7729285
Northern Mariana Islands 1,976 5,117 182 472 1,793 4,644 6 16 5 13 1,782 4,615 +14.9367835 +145.6010210
U.S. Virgin Islands 733 1,898 134 348 599 1,550 18 46 16 40 565 1,464 +18.3267485 -064.9712501

The ANSI standard for converting square kilometers into square miles was used ( 1 square mile = 2.58998811 square kilometers).

— represents or rounds to zero.

1 Water area calculations in this table include only perennial water. All other water (intermittent, glacier, and marsh/swamp) is included in this table as part of land area calculations.

2 This table does not include area calculations for the U.S. Minor Outlying Islands.

3 Includes all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas.

4 Includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

5 Includes American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, unpublished data from the MAF/TIGER database.

Page Last Revised - December 16, 2021
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