2017 Federal CASIC Workshops

Held May April 11th and 12th, 2017 at US Census Bureau Headquarters, Suitland, Maryland
Sponsored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Link to a non-federal Web site and the US Census Bureau.

2017 FedCASIC Presentations

Tuesday Sessions

  1. Welcome and Plenary Session (9:15-10:45)
  2. Management Challenges I (11:00-12:30) (1 session)
  3. Special Population Surveys I (11:00-12:30) (4 presentations)
  4. Supplementing Survey Data with Administrative Records (11:00-12:30) (5 presentations)
  5. Considerations When Collecting Data on Mobile Devices (11:00-12:30) (4 presentations)
  6. Poster Session/Lunch (12:30-2:30) (12 presentations)
  7. Demonstrations I (2:30-4:15) (5 demonstrations)
  8. Special Population Surveys II (2:30-4:15) (5 presentations)
  9. Redesigning Federal Surveys (2:30-4:15) (6 presentations)
  10. Data Collection Tools For Interviewers and Respondents (2:30-4:15) (5 presentations)

Wednesday Sessions

  1. Management Challenges II (9:00-10:30) (1 session)
  2. Instrument Design and Mode Effects (9:00-10:30) (4 presentations)
  3. IT Security Considerations (9:00-10:30) (3 presentations)
  4. Communicating With Respondents About Sensitive Topics (9:00-10:30) (3 presentations)
  5. Demonstrations II (11:00-12:30) (5 presentations)
  6. Data Analysis Tools (11:00-12:30) (5 presentations)
  7. Sample Frame Development (11:00-12:30) (4 presentations)
  8. Survey Development and Management (11:00-12:30) (4 presentations)

Welcome and Plenary Session (Tuesday 09:15-10:45)

Speaker: John Abowd - U.S. Census Bureau
What Does It Really Mean to Be a 21st Century Statistical Agency?

Management Challenges I (Tuesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Karen Davis - RTI International
Presentation Materials:
Management challenges associated with the changing landscape of data collection (Adobe PDF Icon, 1190kb) Chair:Karen Davis - RTI International
    James Berry - Energy Information Administration
    Kyle Fennell - NORC at the University of Chicago
    Howard Hogan - U.S. Census Bureau
    Patty Maher - Survey Research Center, University of Michigan

Special Population Surveys I (Tuesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Jake Bournazian - Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
Presentation Materials:
Results from Different Adaptive Design Methods to Locate and Survey a Longitudinal Sample(Adobe PDF Icon, 531kb) Jill Connelly - NORC at the University of Chicago
Karen Grigorian, Tom Hoffer, Michael Yang

Use of Administrative Records to Assess the Characteristics of Undercounted Children (Adobe PDF Icon, 397kb) Leticia Fernandez - U.S.Census Bureau
James Noon, Rachel Shattuck - U.S. Census Bureau

Increasing Participation in (USDA) Farm Service Agency's Microloan Program (Adobe PDF Icon, 620kb) Michael Gerling - USDA
Sarah Tulman - USDA Economic Research Service

From Survey to Star:Development, Implementation and Reporting of HCAHPS Star Ratings (Adobe PDF Icon, 692kb) William Lehrman - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Supplementing Survey Data with Administrative Records (Tuesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Paul Marck - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Reporting of Indian Health Service Coverage in the American Community Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 127kb) Renuka Bhaskar - U.S. Census Bureau
Rachel Shattuck, James Noon, Brett O'Hara
Potential Uses of Administrative Records Data and PIK Coverage in the 2012 SBO (Adobe PDF Icon, 621kb) Adela Luque - U.S. Census Bureau
Renuka Bhaskar - U.S. Census Bureau, James Noon, Sharon Ennis

Coverage and Quality of Federal Health and Address and State Program Administrative Records (Adobe PDF Icon, 110kb) James Noon - U.S. Census Bureau
Renuka Bhaskar, Sharon Ennis, Mark Leach - U.S. Census Bureau

Preliminary Research for Enhancing the ACS with Administrative Property Tax Records (Adobe PDF Icon, 296kb) Michaela Patton - U.S. Census Bureau
Using Auxiliary Data and Non-Probability Samples to Calculate Fair Market Rents (Adobe PDF Icon, 453kb) Thomas Brassell - ICF International
Randal ZuWallack, Brian Orleans

Considerations When Collecting Data on Mobile Devices (Tuesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Steven Klement - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Consent Form Design for Geolocation Capture in Mobile Web Surveys (Adobe PDF Icon, 914kb) Scott Crawford - SoundRocket

Saving time and money: Using DroidBuilder, an Android device provisioning tool (Adobe PDF Icon, 746kb) Charles Loftis - RTI International
Jon Cirella, Marty Meyer, Tennyson Chen, Jason Butler, Jim Pratt - RTI International

Incorporating User-Centered Design into the Lifecycle of an Online Household Survey. (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,078kb) Brian Falcone - U.S. Census Bureau
Chris Antoun, Brian Falcone, Rebecca Keegan, Ivonne Figueroa, Elizabeth Nichols, Jonathan Katz, Mary Davis, Lin Wang

Introducing Device Sensor Data in Surveys (Adobe PDF Icon, 21,509kb) Bjoern Mussmann - Statistics Netherlands
Jeldrik Bakker, Jacqueline van Beuningen, Barry Schouten, Rob Warmerdam - Statistics Netherlands

Poster Session/Lunch (Tuesday 12:30-2:30)

Chair: John Little - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Visualizing Data at the USDA Using Animations, Small Multiples and Interactivity (Adobe PDF Icon, 708kb) Irwin Anolik - National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA
Improving Trip Reporting in the National Household Travel Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 692kb) Stacey Bricka - Macrosys Research and Technology
Adella Santos, FHWA NHTS Program Manager (primary author), Timothy Reuscher, ORNL, Janice Machado, Westat

Cyber Security for Census 2020 (Adobe PDF Icon, 37kb) Gus Hunt - Accenture Federal Services

Using an Excel-based data dictionary to automate codebook production for complex surveys (Adobe PDF Icon, 671kb) Elise Comperchio - NORC at the University of Chicago
Caitlin Finan, Matthew Kastin, Megan Stead, Shannon Corcoran, Jian Zhang , Michael Slater

Tools for Scraping and Classifying Data from Government Websites (Adobe PDF Icon, 137kb) Brian Dumbacher - U.S. Census Bureau

Toolkit for Multisite Study Quality Assurance Assessment Summer Brenwald - ICF International
Tonja Kyle, MS, Davia Spado, MA

Use of Data Vault to Develop Hyper-Normalized Data Warehouses Randall Daly - Harmonia Holdings Group
Manish Khera

MWRWeb Collection System John Peters - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Kelly Quinn

Data Queries on the Go! (Adobe PDF Icon, 1262kb) Stephanie Richelsen - ICF International
Brenda Clark - ICF International

Text Analytics: Beyond Rows, Columns and Feelings (Adobe PDF Icon, 112kb) Juan Salazar - Mark Logic
Dr. Patrick Fan - Virginia Tech's Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics, Ms. Sara Mazer - MarkLogic

Automated Statistical System Files (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,177kb) Victoria Dingler - RTI International

Innovative Approach to Enterprise Needs_Attachment1 (Adobe PDF Icon, 123kb) Shawna Waugh - Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy
Innovative Approach to Enterprise Needs_Attachment2 (Adobe PDF Icon, 128kb) Shawna Waugh - Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy
Innovative Approach to Enterprise Needs_Attachment3 (Adobe PDF Icon, 129kb) Shawna Waugh - Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy
Innovative Approach to Enterprise Needs_Attachment4 (Adobe PDF Icon, 71kb) Shawna Waugh - Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy
Innovative Approach to Enterprise Needs_Attachment5 (Adobe PDF Icon, 232kb) Shawna Waugh - Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy

Demonstrations I (Tuesday 2:30-4:15)

Chair: Casey Eggleston - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Toward a Web-based Multiple-Month, Multiple Reporting Unit Data Collection Form Bryan Beverly - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Nathan Lotze

The Food Study App and Website:Self-Administered Reporting for FOODAPS ADCM Erica Bonilla - Westat
Andrew Heller; Muona Malola; Anuja Pathak; Abie Reifer; Ting Yan; Aaron Maitland, Cheryl Crotts; Erika Bonilla, MS; Kaitlynn Genoversa-Won; Bryan Davis; David Garner; Erika Bonilla, MS; Jacky Choi; Giannella de Rienzo; Laurie May, P h.D.; and Janice Machado

Data Collection Mobile Mapping Instrument for the June Area Survey Sonia Hickman - National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA
Denise A. Abreu, Linda A. Lawson

Survey Solutions, a CAPI system by the World Bank Martin Wulfe - The World Bank

Blaise 5 for Mobile data collection: (A New Hope) R. Suresh - RTI International
Lilia Filippenko, Barbara Bibb, Gil Rodriguez, Mai Wickelgren

Special Population Surveys II (Tuesday 2:30-4:15)

Chair: Michael Gerling - National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA
Presentation Materials:
Is Subsidized Childcare Associated with Lower Risk of Grade Retention for Low-Income Children? Evidence from Child Care and Development Fund Administrative Records Linked to the American Community Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 262kb) Rachel Shattuck - U.S. Census Bureau

Securing District Recruitment for School-Based Studies (Adobe PDF Icon, 179kb) Cynthia Simko - NORC at the University of Chicago
Karen Grigorian

A Field Test of Adaptive Nonresponse Follow-Up Procedures in an Establishment Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 503kb) Katherine Thompson - U.S. Census Bureau
Stephen J. Kaputa

Can Internet-Based Surveys of Youth Behaviors Work in the School Setting? William Higgins - ICF International
R.L. Harding, B. Clark, S. Richelsen, B. Rothenbach

Encouraging Survey Response Among Diverse, Hard-to-Reach Populations Alicia Leonard - Mathematica Policy Research

Redesigning Federal Surveys (Tuesday 2:30-4:15)

Chair: Carl Ramirez - U.S. Government Accountability Office
Presentation Materials:
Using Cognitive Interview and Survey Data to Assess the Underreporting of Operators (Adobe PDF Icon, 501kb) David Biagas - National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA

Adding a Quarterly Business Survey to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Annual Refiling Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 400kb) Sharon Stang - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Emily Thomas, Jennifer Edgar

Developing an Online Mode for the Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,524kb) Ian Elkin - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Douglas Williams, Nhien To

Improvement by Innovation: Planned Changes for the 2017 National Survey of Children's Health (Adobe PDF Icon, 836kb) Leah Meyer - U.S. Census Bureau

Use of Administrative Records to Replace Household Surveys (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,866kb) Agron Nicaj - Bureau of Labor Statistics

Childhood Immunization: A Pilot Survey using a Mobile Panel (Adobe PDF Icon, 692kb) James Dayton - ICF International
John Boyle, Lew Berman, Deirdre Middleton, ICF International and Alex Coleo, MFour

Data Collection Tools for Interviewers and Respondents (Tuesday 2:30-4:15)

Chair: Eileen O'Brien - Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy
Presentation Materials:
CCQDER's Recruitment Tool: How to track recruiter burden and make recruitment easier (Adobe PDF Icon, 392kb) Lauren Creamer - National Center for Health Statistics
Justin Mezetin, Amanada Titus, Rachel Harrison

Lessons Learned from Training Field Staff to Perform Multiple Data Collection Roles (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,445kb) Amber Brown - Westat
Erika Bonilla, MS; Kaitlynn Genoversa-Wong; Jacky Choi; Giannella de Rienzo, Janice Machado; Laurie May, Ph.D.; and John Kirlin

Adding Notifications to Mobile Applications (Adobe PDF Icon, 258kb) Matt Boyce - RTI International
Randy Eckhoff, Robert Furberg, Paul Kizakevich, Ron Thigpen

Mobile Survey Data Collection and Management Using Participants' Own Smartphones (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,006kb) Paresh V. Patel - SurveySignal

Using a Web Portal as a Hub for Business Respondents (Adobe PDF Icon, 692kb) Aryn Hernandez - U.S. Census Bureau
Temika Holland, Michelle Karlsson

Management Challenges II (Wednesday 9:00-10:30)

Chair: Jane Sheperd - Westat
Presentation Materials:
Management challenges associated with staffing the survey lifecycle (Adobe PDF Icon, 590kb) Chair:Jane Shepherd - Westat
    Grant Benson - Survey Research Center, University of Michigan
    Debra Coaxum - Energy Information Administration
    Debbie Bittner - Social and Scientific Systems
    Kyle Fennell - NORC at the University of Chicago
    Josh Keller - U.S. Census Bureau
    Chris Manning - Bureau of Labor Statistics

Instrument Design and Mode Effects (Wednesday 9:00-10:30)

Chair: Herschel Sanders - RTI International
Presentation Materials:
Dependent Interviewing and Data Quality: An Analysis of the Agriculture Labor Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 286kb) Emilola Abayomi - National Agricultural Statistics Service of USDA

The Real CASIC Instrumentation Challenge: 9 'Multis-' and 5 Complications (Adobe PDF Icon, 8,396kb) Mark Pierzchala - MMP Survey Services, LLC

Does the Residential Energy Consumption Survey have a Mode Effect? (Adobe PDF Icon, 193kb) Amang Sukasih - RTI International
Saki Kinney, Rachel Harter, Chip Berry, Grace Deng, David Kinyon

Questionnaire design for smartphones (and tablets): an on-going journey from mobile unfriendly to mobile friendly to mobile optimization. (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,129kb) Bjoern Mussmann - Statistics Netherlands
Jeldrik Bakker

IT Security Considerations (Wednesday 9:00-10:30):

Chair: Joy Sharp - Department of Transportation
Presentation Materials:
Implementing a FIPS-Moderate Security Model on a Large Household Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 261kb) Martin Meyer - RTI International
Pete Tice, Karen Davis, Tennyson Chen, Becky Granger, Hilary Zelko

Secure your web applications from Cross-Site Scripting (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,006kb) Anwar Mohammed - RTI International

FISMA Security for CASIC Projects Dennis Pickett - Westat

Communicating With Respondents About Sensitive Topics (Wednesday 9:00-10:30)

Chair: Lindsay Miller - NORC at the University of Chicago
Presentation Materials:
Navigation and comprehension of administrative records information on census.gov (Adobe PDF Icon, 2,023kb) Ivonne Figueroa - U.S. Census Bureau
Aleia Fobia, Casey Eggleston, Ashley Landreth, Lin Wang

Challenges in Communicating to the Public About Administrative Data Use and Linking (Adobe PDF Icon, 459kb) Ashley Landreth - U.S. Census Bureau
Hampton Wilson III

Exploring Respondents Perceptions of Data Confidentiality and Enhanced Cybersecurity (Adobe PDF Icon, 463kb) Amy Swallow - Bureau of Labor Statistics
Robin Kaplan, Jennifer Edgar

Demonstrations II (Wednesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Ashley Landreth - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Integrating Dynamic Visualizations into a Dissemination Site using Tableau Felicia LeClere - NORC at the University of Chicago
Michael Latterner, Adrienne Call, Lindsay Miller, Ynag Xu

rpms: An R Package for Modeling Survey Data with Regression Trees Daniell Toth - Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data Reports Made Simple Brenda Clark - ICF International

Development of Web Paradata Dashboards (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,231kb) Josh DeLaRosa - Abt SRBI
Paul Schroeder, Sarah Stapina, David Pulaski, David Nagelee

Text Analytics Cal Zemelman - Customer Value Partners
Cal Zemelman

Data Analysis Tools (Wednesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Ashley Amaya - RTI International
Presentation Materials:
Paradata from the Canadian 2016 Census of Population online forms (Adobe PDF Icon, 646kb) Joycelynne Axalan - Statistics Canada

Overcoming Paradata Mining Challenges: SIPP Audit Trails (Adobe PDF Icon, 245kb) Patrick Campanello - U.S. Census Bureau
Matthew C. Marlay, Shelley K. Irving, Holly R. Fee

Post Field Work Blues: Utilizing R to Sift Through Data Collected in the Field (Adobe PDF Icon, 2,255kb) Brandi Lea - Federal Emergency Management Agency
Kristin Brooks, Jessica Guillory

Testing Methodologies that may Permit Use of Non-Probability Survey Data for Statistical (Adobe PDF Icon, 158kb) Robert Tortora - ICF International

Two different systems IDR and CCW used by RTI on health research projects (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,394kb) Alon Evron - RTI International

Sample Frame Development (Wednesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Amy Anderson Riemer - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Advancements in the Cellular RDD Frame/Methodology (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,293kb) Ashley Hyon - Macro International Inc.

Using AVIs to Screen Out-of-Service Phone Numbers and Increase Response (Adobe PDF Icon, 214kb) Bonnie Moore - U.S. Census Bureau

Creating a balanced representative sample for NSSRN using administrative records (Adobe PDF Icon, 660kb) Michael Brennan - U.S. Census Bureau

Assessing Future Survey Response Based on Past Survey Completion of a Recurring Survey (Adobe PDF Icon, 191kb) Ada Harris - Department of Defense

Survey Development and Management (Wednesday 11:00-12:30)

Chair: Chris Stringer - U.S. Census Bureau
Presentation Materials:
Improving survey management and operations with proper support desk implementation (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,090kb) Karen Brenner - Westat

An Interactive System for Adaptive Total Design Monitoring(Adobe PDF Icon, 940kb) Joe Murphy - RTI International
Michael Duprey

Agile & DevOps Improving Product Development Flow (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,215kb) Marc Abrams - Harmonia Holdings Group

Use of Master Data Management and Data Governance to Improve Data Management (Adobe PDF Icon, 1,287kb) Manish Khera - Harmonia Holdings Group