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Notes on ACS API Variable Formats

API Variable Format

ACS API Variables have the following format:

Summary File

Variable format: [Table ID] [Row Number] [Variable Type]

Figure 1: Visual representation of B01001_001E from data.census.gov

Example: Variable B01001_001E, “Total:”, represents the estimate for table B01001 row number 1.

Subject Tables

Variable format: [Table ID] [Column Number] [Row Number] [Variable Type]

Figure 2: Visual representation of S0101_C02_001E from data.census.gov

Example: Variable S0101_C02_001E, “Male!!Total population”, represents the estimate for table S0101, column number 2 (Male), row number 1.

Data Profiles

Variable format: [Table ID] [Row Number] [Variable Type]

Figure 3: Visual representation of DP02_0002PE from data.census.gov

Example: Variable DP02_0002PE, “Family households (families)”, represents the percent estimate for table DP02 row number 2.

Comparison Profiles

Variable format: [Table ID] [Data Year] [Row Number] [Variable Type]

Figure 4: Visual Representation of CP02_2011_2015_002E from data.census.gov

Example: Variable CP02_2011_2015_002E,”Family households (families)”, represents the estimate for table CP02, data year 2011-2015, row number 2.

Page Last Revised - October 8, 2021
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