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Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

This interactive treemap shows all the counties in the United States arranged by region and sized according to population or SNAP participation. Each box is color-shaded to indicate the SNAP participation rate range for the corresponding county. Click to zoom in (more detailed instructions).

SNAP Participation Rate: Less than 10% 10 to 20% 20 to 30% 30 to 40% More than 40%
Size represents:

Clicking the state or region name zooms to that level. When zoomed to the state level, clicking a county zooms back out. If you hold the cursor over a county (or state name) you will see a tooltip with total population, number of participants in SNAP, and SNAP rate (Note: on mobile devices, hold down your finger for 1-2 seconds to see the tooltip).

SAIPE Methodology

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