IDB Interactive Tool Help Page

Welcome to the International Database (IDB)!

This user guide will explain how to use the interactive data tool for accessing and querying population data. For more background information about the IDB, including methodology, definitions, and release notes, please visit the IDB overview page .

The IDB interactive data tool has six tabs (Dashboard, Tables, Map, Population by Age, Trends, and Customization) with the Dashboard tab selected by default, initially displaying population data for the World. Each tab has the following general layout:
  1. Selection/Filtering menu
  2. Header section displays the name of a selected country/area as heading text. Header section has three buttons:
    1. The Show/Hide menu button allows users to toggle the visibility of the Selection/Filtering menu. When the menu is hidden, the main display area increases to full width.
    2. Click Help button to display IDB help page.
    3. Submit feedback button allows users to submit feedback.
  3. Main display area: displays the views when users make selection(s) from the Selection/Filtering menu.


In this tab, users can quickly view demographic facts and visuals about the world, individual regions, or individual countries/areas. For additional data and features, navigate to other pages by selecting the Tables, Map, Population by Age, or Trends tabs.

The world is initially selected in this tab.

Selection/Filtering Menu
  1. Show/Hide Menu
    The Show/Hide menu button allows users to toggle the visibility of the menu. When the menu is hidden, the main display area increases to full width.
  2. Select Country/Area "Select Country/Area" allows users to select a country, area, or region. Clicking on this button will open a dialog window, which prompts users to make a selection. There is also a button that allows users to select the year of data to display.
    1. To select a country, area, or region, click it in the list, and then click "OK" at the bottom of the dialog. Only one selection can be viewed at a time on the Dashboard.
    2. Most of the selectable regions are grouped by their classification (e.g. "UN Development Groups", "International Pacts and Agreements"). To view these, first expand the classification group, then select the region.
    3. Users can filter the region and country/area list by typing the name or part of the name in the text box.
    4. Users can also quickly filter the list so that it only shows countries/areas with subnational data by checking the checkbox under "Has Subnational Data".
  3. Select Year Clicking the year button opens a pop-up window prompting users to select a year.
    1. Users can click on "Year" to sort the list, or use filter to narrow the list by:
    2. Entering year in the input field, or
    3. Clicking on the filter icon, and entering a year into "Filter..." field.
    4. Years with no data available are grayed out (not selectable).
    5. Click "OK" button to display the views—of the selected year—to the main display area.
  4. Scroll To
    The "Scroll To" section has two buttons, which allow the user to quickly scroll to either the Subnational Data or the Source Documentation if they are available for the Country/Area or Region selected.
    1. When a user clicks on the "Subnational Data" button, the Dashboard will scroll down to the Subnational Data Table, which is available for several countries/areas.
    2. When a user clicks on the "Source Documentation" button, the Dashboard will scroll to the Source Documentation, located at the bottom of the page. This documentation is only available for countries/areas, not Regions.
  5. View Country/Area on Tab
    This section allows the user to quickly view the selected Region or Country/Area on some of the other tabs and sections of the IDB Application.
    1. "Map": jump to Map tab, showing the map of the selected Region or Country/Area and year.
    2. "Population Pyramids": jump to Population by Age tab, showing the population pyramid of the selected Region or Country/Area and year.
    3. "Age Tables": jump to Population by Age tab, showing the population table of the selected Region or Country/Area and year.
  6. Reset The "Reset" button clears all of the filters and selections, returning the application to the default view of the World.
  7. Notes Contains brief details about how the data were generated. It also includes a link to download the entire IDB Dataset, as well as a link to the Census API.

Dashboard Display Area
The main section of the Dashboard will display various cards, depending on whether a Region or a Country/Area is selected. these cards can include Quick Facts, a Map, a Population Pyramid, and several different trend graphs.
  1. Quick Facts This section displays available Quick Facts for the selected Region or Country/Area, and the selected year. It will display different facts, depending on whether a Region or Country/Area is being viewed.
  2. Population Pyramid Animation Users can change the year parameters for the population pyramid by clicking the "Select Years" button beneath the pyramid visualization.
    1. "Starting year": enter starting year.
    2. "Ending year": enter ending year.
    3. "Increment by": the animation will play and show the pyramid for every "Increment by" year(s). For example, if the "Increment by" is 5, the pyramid will display the population for every five years.
    4. Click "OK" button to complete animation settings.
  3. Charts Various graphs will display on the dashboard, showing population data for the selected Country/Area or Region. Selecting a Country/Area will typically display more charts/graphs.
    1. Each chart has a download button that opens a small pop-up window prompting users to select a download format (PDF, JPEG, or CSV).
    2. Hover over a point/line of the chart to see the info window that displays the data of that point/line.
Subnational Data Table
For a number of countries/areas where subnational data are available, the dashboard will contain a table of subnational data. This data table has a number of features to allow users to explore the subnational data for the selected Country/Area.
  1. Users can utilize the links above the table, which allow them to:
    1. Download the entire dataset for the country/area
    2. Download the entire set of subnational data (for all available countries/areas)
    3. Go to the subnational data webpage to see more information
  2. Using the table on the left, users can navigate through the entire heirarchical structure of the subnational entities for the selected Country/Area. This can be a quick way to drill down to the desired level.
  3. The table on the right displays the subnational data for the selected Country/Area and the selected year. In this table, the user can:
    1. View 5-year data for the subnational entities
    2. Drill down to the next ADM level of subnational data

Sources section is available for every country/area, but not for regions. Click on "Source Information" header to see source data.


In this tab, users can display tables of demographic data for multiple regions and countries/areas for a single year or multiple years. Several pre-built reports are available, or users can generate custom reports.

Initially, this tab is displayed as follows:
  1. The report "Demographic Overview" is selected.
  2. Depending on the Report selection above, some measures are pre-selected and included as columns in the table (Total Population, Growth Rate, Population Density, etc. in this screenshot).
  3. "Filter by Country/Area" displays the selected regions and countries/areas (Arab League and Germany in this screenshot) in the "Name" column of the data table.
  4. "Filter by Year" displays only the selected year(s) (2023 in this screenshot) in the table.

Selection/Filtering Menu
  1. Show/Hide Menu
    The Show/Hide menu button allows users to toggle the visibility of the menu. When the menu is hidden, the main display area increases to full width.
  2. Report Selection
    Click "Report" button to open a popup window prompting users to "Select a Report".
    • Demographic Overview, Components of Population Growth, Fertility, Mortality, and Migration are pre-built reports. These reports have a fixed number of pre-selected measures/table columns.
    • "Custom Report" is not a pre-built report. It allows users to select any number of measures to be displayed in the table.
    1. Select a report
    2. Click "OK" button to generate the data table for selected report.
  3. Custom Report Columns
    Click "Custom Report Columns" button to open a popup window prompting users to "Select a Measure".
    1. Select measure(s)
      • Some measure(s) were pre-selected for those pre-built reports.
      • If users unselect any of the pre-selected measure(s) (or select additional measures), the report button will change to "Custom Report".
    2. Click "OK" button to generate the data table for selected measure(s).
  4. Filter by Country/Area Click "Filter by Country/Area" button to open a pop-up window prompting users to "Select Countries/Areas".
    1. Select regions and/or countries/areas
    2. Users can select all countries/areas (or clear all the selections), or use filter at the top to filter the list.
    3. Click "OK" button to generate the data table for the selected regions and countries/areas.
  5. Show Countries/Areas in Regions This checkbox will toggle whether or not the table will display the countries/areas that combine to make a region, or whether to hide them and display regions the same way countries/areas are displayed.
    1. Checked: Regions are expandable to show the countries/areas that make up the region.
    2. Unchecked: Regions are not expandable, and are displayed as single entities.
  6. Filter by Year The "Select by Year" are as follows:
    1. "Use specified year(s)": is checked by default. If this checkbox is checked, it displays the table row(s) of the selected year(s) from "Years (comma separated)" input field.
    2. "Use specified range": If this checkbox is checked, it allows users to select a range of years. Users can manually enter a starting year in the input field, or adjust the slider to select a starting year. Users can manually enter an ending year in the input field, or adjust the slider to select an ending year.
    3. "Increment by__ year" input field allows users to display table row(s) for every "Increment by__ year" year(s).
    4. Click "OK" button to display the above selections in the table.
  7. Reset The "Reset" button resets the app to its initial default settings.
  • Click on download button to open a pop-up window prompting users to “Choose a Download Format” of either CSV or Excel.

  • Click on Help icon to open a “Table Help” window providing more information about the Table.

  • Click on a column header to sort a column in ascending or descending order.

  • Filter
    1. Users can directly enter filter condition into filter input box as follows:
      • > (Greater than)
        for example: > 100000.
      • < (Less than)
        for example: < 100000.
      • - (In range)
        for example: 100000-200000.
    2. Or click on the filter icon:
      1. Click on filter icon to open the filter dropdown.
      2. Click on the arrow-down button to choose “In range”, “Greater than”, “Less than” etc.

  • Paging option allows users to move to next/previous page.


On this page, users can view global maps of sepcific years for demographic indicators. Users can view maps for one or multiple regions and/or countries/areas.

Selection Menu
  1. Show/Hide Menu The Show/Hide menu button allows a user to toggle the visibility of the menu. When the menu is hidden, the main map display area increases to full width.
  2. Measure Click on "Measure" button to open a pop-up window prompting the user to select a measure. When the "OK" button is clicked, the tool creates the map based on the newly selected data measure. Additionally, the class breaks and legend are updated.
    1. Select a measure

      Note that users can also use filter options at the top of this pop-up window to filter the measure list.

    2. Click "OK" button to display the map (of the selected measure) in the map display area.
  3. Select by Country/Area Click the "Country/Area" button to open a pop-up window to "Select Countries/Areas."
    1. Select a region, country/area, or multiple Countries/Areas.
    2. Users can filter by Region or country/area name.
    3. Click "OK" button to display the map for the selected countries/areas.

    When the “OK” button is clicked, the map pans and zooms to the extent of the selected geographies, whose borders are highlighted in a bold cyan color.
  4. Year Click the "Year" button to open a pop-up window prompting user to select a year.
    1. Users can click on “Year” to sort the list.
    2. Additionally, users can filter by entering year in the input field.
    3. Click “OK” button to display map for selected year.
  5. Reset The "Reset" button resets the map to its initial default settings.

Map Display Area and Functionality
Users can view maps for different measures, which may vary in color scheme. Diverging color schemes are applied to data measures with a midpoint, otherwise a sequential orange color scheme is applied.

  1. Zoom In/Out Icons - cause the current display scale to increase/decrease by a single increment on the center of the current map display extent.
  2. Navigate Home Icon - zooms the map display to the default extent of the global view. If the current map display scale and extent is already at the default global view, then there is no perceptible system response.
  3. Legend - located at the bottom left corner of the map display area, the legend which displays classes and is updated per data filter selection. To collapse the legend, users can click the “X” button in the top right corner of the legend box. Clicking on the legend button expands the legend again.

  4. When user hovers over a geography in the map, an info window will pop up displaying data for the underlying area, including Country/Area name, data year, and data estimate for the selected measure. If there is no IDB data for the corresponding area, the info window will display ”No data.” Clicking will result in the map zooming in further.
  5. Some countries/areas may appear to have no labels. Labels are usually prevented from displaying if they do not fit inside the underlying area, with the exception being more populous countries/areas at the map’s default view while zoomed out.

Population By Age

In this tab, users can view the population datatable or pyramid for a single country/area or multiple countries/areas, and for a single year or multiple years.

Note that if more countries/areas and/or years are selected, it will take more time to load the pyramid.

Selection Menu
  1. Show/Hide Menu The Show/Hide menu button allows users to toggle the visibility of the menu. When the menu is hidden, the main display area increases to full width.
  2. Show Users can select either "Pyramids" or "Tables".
  3. Select by Countries/Areas "Select by Country/Area" allows users to select a region or country/area. Click on this button to open a pop-up window prompting users to make a selection.
    1. Users can click on "Area Name" to sort the list.
    2. Users can also enter a few letters of the country/area name or region in the input field to filter the list.
    3. Click "OK" button to display the views of the selected region or country/area.
  4. Show Countries/Areas in Regions Checking this box will display all the countries/areas that make up a region, while unchecking will show regions as single entities.
  5. Select Year(s) Allow users to select one or more years to be displayed in the table. Click this button to filter on one or multiple years.
  6. Reset The "Reset" button resets the app to its initial default settings.

Click on (1) "Pyramids" button to display the pyramid(s) of (2) selected countries/areas and (3) selected years.

Display table of selected countries, selected years, and selected age groups.
  1. Click on "Tables" button to display the datatable.
  2. Table rows are grouped by country/area and year. Click on "Expand All"/"Collapse All" buttons to expand/collapse all rows, or
  3. Users can click on a country/area name or year to expand/collapse the rows of that particular country/area or year.
  4. Age Groups selections display a table for the selected group in the main display area:
    • Single Year Age Groups.
    • Five Year Age Groups.
    • Broad Age Groups.
    • Youth Age Groups.
    • Special Age Groups.
    • Older Age Groups.
    • Older Five Year Age Groups.


In this tab, users can create custom regions and custom age groups. The user-created regions can be viewed on all tabs by selecting it from the country/area filters. The user-created age groups are viewable only on the Age Tables in the Population by Age tab.

Users are able to share their custom regions and age groups with others in two ways: copy and pasting the URL, and saving the custom regions and/or age groups to a file, which can then be shared with other users.

Creating Custom Regions
  • Clicking the "Create New Region" starts the process of creating a custom region
  • Once this button has been pressed, there are more steps and options for the user:
    1. First, the user must enter a name for their custom region.
    2. The user may or may not add countries/areas from an already-existing region. This can be helpful if the region closely resemebles another region; this allows the user to take an existing region, and add or remove countries/areas to/from it.
    3. To add or remove countries/areas to/from the custom region, the user checks or unchecks the checkbox in the table. The table is filterable, like all the tables in the application.
    4. Lastly the user must click the "Create" button to finalize the new custom region. Once this is done, the region will be viewable across the appliction.
Creating Custom Age Groups
  • To create a custom age group, the user must first select "Age Groups" in the side bar.
  • Next, the user must click the "Create New Age Groups" button.
  • Once this button has been pressed, there are more steps and options for the user:
    1. First, the user must enter a name for their custom age groups.
    2. The user may or may not add age groups from an already-existing age grouping.
    3. To add age groups to the new custom grouping, the user enters them in the text box. Seperating each group with a comma, users can add individual years (i.e. 7, 17) and spans of years (i.e. 18-20, 20-30).
    4. Lastly the user must click the "Create" button to finalize. Once this is done, the age groups will be viewable in the Population by Age tables.
Saving and Loading Customizations
  1. To save the current customizations to a file, the user must first select the "Export" button in the sidebar.
  2. Next, the user must name the export file.
  3. The user can then pick which customizations they wish to save using the checkboxes in the table.
  4. Lastly, the user must click "Export Selected Items". This will download the save file in the form of a JSON file, which can be shared and loaded by other users.
  1. To load previously saved customizations, the user must first select the "Import" option in the sidebar.
  2. Next, the user can either drag and drop the JSON file from their computer into the import box, or they can click the "Select a File" button to manually select the file in a file explorer.
  1. Once the file is selected, a list will appear containing all of the available customizations. The user can check the boxes of which custom regions and/or custom age groups they want to import.
  2. Once the user has made their selections, clicking "Import Selected Items" will load them into the IDB Application, allowing them to be viewed.
Viewing Customizations in IDB

To view a custom region in the application, the user must select the region like they would any other region. Custom regions will appear at the top of the "Filter by Country/Area" dialogs:

To view a custom age group, the user must:

  1. First, navigate to the Population by Age tab.
  2. Next, select Age Tables in the sidebar.
  3. Lastly, select the new custom age group. The age groups will now be displayed in the table.