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New Residential Construction

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CIDR Database

New Residential Construction Notes

This database may not immediately reflect the data in the most recent New Residential Construction press release. However, all available data are accessible through the New Residential Construction web page, which also has the release schedule.

All data are for privately-owned housing units.

Recent estimates are subject to revision, as shown in the revision schedule for new housing units authorized by building permits and the revision schedule for new residential construction.

Data on new housing unit authorizations are also available by Census Division, State, metropolitan area, county, and permit-issuing place on the Building Permits web page. Estimates of the valuation of construction for new housing units authorized are also available on that page.

Additional historic data on housing starts and completions are on the New Residential Construction web page, including quarterly data for selected characteristics. Additional annual data on characteristics of new housing units are available on the Characteristics of New Housing web page.

Estimates of sampling variability are presented as relative standard errors (RSEs). RSEs are the average of the latest 6-month period. RSEs are not available for data prior to 1999, but should be comparable to those for more recent time periods.

For information on the compilation and reliability of the housing unit authorization estimates, see Building Permits Survey Methodology and relative standard errors for estimates of housing units authorized by building permits. For information on the compilation and reliability of estimates of housing units authorized but not started, started, under construction, and completed, see the Survey of Construction Methodology.

Seasonally adjusted data for Housing Units Authorized But Not Started are now available as a time series.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | New Residential Construction | (301) 763-5160 |  Last Revised: August 09, 2024