New Single-family Homes in 2023

Do you know how many new homes constructed in 2023 had four bedrooms or more?
What about the average price of a new home sold in 2023?

You can discover the answers by exploring the interactive house below, which highlights annual data from the Survey of Construction.
All characteristics data, including estimates for new multifamily housing, are on our Characteristics of New Housing page.

All estimates are based on sample surveys and are thus subject to sampling variability and nonsampling error.

yellowdot Completed

bluesquare Sold

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning Air Conditioning
Bathrooms Bathrooms Bathrooms
Bedrooms Bedrooms Bedrooms
Exterior Wall Material Exterior Wall Material  Exterior Wall Material
Fireplace Fireplace
Foundation Foundation Foundation
Foyer Foyer  
Heating Fuel Heating Fuel Heating Fuel
Heating System Heating System Heating System
Lot Size Lot Size Lot Size
Outdoor Features Outdoor Feature Outdoor Feature
Parking Facility Parking Facility
Sales Price   Sales Price
Square Footage Square Footage Square Footage
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