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Census Regional Office Surveys/ Programs

The Census Bureau collects and provides timely and relevant, quality data about the people and economy of the United States. In a variety of surveys and censuses, evolving from the first census in 1790, the Census Bureau provides official information about America's people, businesses, industries, and institutions. Find out more about the Census Bureau's programs and surveys:

What the Census Bureau Does the Other Nine Years

Many Americans think the Census Bureau only works every 10 years, when we count everyone in the Census of Population and Housing. When you read newspapers or magazines, watch TV, or listen to the radio, there's a good chance that you will see or hear about the work that the Census Bureau does consistently throughout the decade.

The Census Bureau utilizes staff in 6 regional offices to manage operations related to current or demographic surveys. A survey uses only a sample of an entire population. We select each household from a probability sample, so each household represents many others. Surveys conducted in this manner provide a reliable and authentic picture of households, individuals, or special groups.

The Census Bureau has a network of professional field representatives who gather data for the Census Bureau by personal visit or telephone, as well as for other government agencies and institutions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development are just a few of our customers.

Page Last Revised - June 2, 2022
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