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About this Region

The Philadelphia Regional Office is responsible for all data collection, data dissemination, and geographic operations under the current service area boundaries. 

States within the Philadelphia Region's service area include Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. 

Regional offices play a critical role in getting the U.S. Census Bureau's message out to the community. In support of the censuses and surveys, the regional offices' staff serve as contacts for local media, meet with local organizations to improve participation in censuses and surveys, and host workshops to teach the public about the use and value of the Census Bureau's data. 

The Charlotte and Detroit Regional Offices closed in late 2012 and transferred the responsibility for specific states to the Philadelphia Region. The boundary change also includes the transfer of New Jersey counties to the New York Region. 

We remain committed to exceeding the high standards required by the Census Bureau to deliver excellent customer service. 

Page Last Revised - November 18, 2021
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