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Monthly Retail Trade Survey - Sample Revision FAQs

What is a sample revision and why is it necessary?
A sample revision is the process used to re-design and re-select the samples for many of the Census Bureau’s surveys of the retail, wholesale, and service industries. This process is performed to:
  • ensure each sample is representative of its target population
  • improve the efficiency of each sample
  • incorporate updates to the industry classification structure
  • expand industry coverage of the survey
  • update questions and instructions to obtain more accurate data
  • redistribute burden for small and medium size businesses
The current Monthly Retail Trade Survey sample was introduced with the annual revision release on May 25, 2018.

How often is a sample revision performed for the Monthly Retail Trade Survey? How is the sample kept up-to-date between sample revisions?
Sample revisions are performed approximately every 5 to 7 years. During the life of the sample, updates are made on a quarterly basis to reflect changes in the business universe. These updates are designed to account for new businesses (births) and businesses that discontinue operations (deaths). The sample is also updated to reflect mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, splits, and other changes to the business universe.

When were estimates from the new Monthly Retail Trade Survey sample released?
Monthly Retail Trade Survey sales, inventory, and e-commerce estimates based on the new sample were released with the Annual Revision release on May 25th, 2018. The April Advance Economic Indicators Report released on May 30th, 2018 contains aggregated retail estimates based on the new sample. The full April Monthly Retail Trade and Food Services Report released on June 14th, 2018 is based on the new sample.

What is the size of the Monthly Retail Trade Survey sample?
The size of the current Monthly Retail Trade Survey is approximately 13,000 employer firms.

Are the estimates from different Monthly Retail Trade Survey samples comparable?
Yes. Estimates from different samples have been linked to be on a comparable basis.

What was the impact of adopting the 2012 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) definitions for the Monthly Retail Trade Survey?
Effective with the Annual Revision release on May 25th, 2018, monthly retail estimates have been published on a 2012 NAICS basis. Time series affected by the definition changes were restated to the beginning of the time series. For a complete list of the series that were restated, please review our summary of NAICS restatement and publication table changes.

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