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ACE AESDirect - Videos, Webinars and Documentation

Provide a broad spectrum of information from getting started with ACE AESDirect to submitting your shipment.

Walkthrough Videos

Exporter Account in ACE (Transcript)

How to register for an Exporter Account in ACE.

AESDirect Walkthrough Series

Nine short videos explaining how to use ACE AESDirect and how to file your Electronic Export Information (EEI) from start to finish.

AESDirect Walkthrough Series (Spanish)

Nueve cortos videos explicando como utilizar ACE AESDirect y como reportar su Información de Exportación Electrónica (EEI) de principio a fin.

Additional Pre-recorded Webinars

Access to previous international trade webinars.

Sample Shipment Documents

Filing for a Standard Shipment

Sample shipment providing a detailed walkthrough of a filing in ACE AESDirect.

Filing for a Standard Shipment (Spanish)

Envío de ejemplo que provee una detallada explicación de como transmitir en ACE AESDirect.

Exporting Used Vehicles to Canada

Sample shipment providing a detailed walkthrough of a filing in ACE AESDirect for exporting used vehicles to Canada.

One Pager Documents

EEI Filing and Compliance

One pager providing guidance on EEI filing and compliance.

EEI Filing and Compliance (Spanish)

Documento que brinda detalles en como reportar su EEI y cumplimiento de los procesos.

EDI, WebLink and SFTP Documentation

WebLink Mapping

WebLink Process Overview

Sample X12 601, AESTIR, and WebLink Submission Test Files

ACE AES Operational Certification Test Scripts

VPN Solutions

AES SFTP Transmission Guide

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